Slip and Fall Injuries

Slip-And-Fall Injuries Require Serious Representation

When you slip, trip or fall on someone else’s property, the injuries may be worse than you’d think. Property owners have a duty to keep their property safe, and when their negligence or failure to maintain their land causes you an injury, you may have a claim to compensation.

At Davis, Kessler & Davis we take slip-and-fall injuries seriously. When your well-being and financial stability is on the line, we stop at nothing to secure the recovery you deserve.

Why You Need A Personal Injury Attorney

When you slip and fall at a grocery store or another business, these stores will almost always deny liability, claiming that it was you who acted negligently. These tactics are meant to intimidate and frustrate you, so you will drop your claim and move on.

With an attorney by your side to represent you, you can ensure your rights are protected. After all, property owners often have their own attorneys, so you should have one, too. We evaluate your claim to determine what you are entitled to receive under the law, and we won’t settle for any less.

Don’t Be Frustrated, Call Our Talented Legal Team

No matter how serious your slip-and-fall injury, it is always worth your time to discuss your case with an accomplished personal injury lawyer. With offices in Winchester and Chattanooga, we make it easy to get started for accident victims across southeast Tennessee. And with free parking at our Chattanooga office and a free initial consultation, it costs nothing for you to discuss your situation with one of our attorneys.

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